Thursday 28 December 2017

Contents page of 'Wisdom and Knowledge Series'

Contents page of 'Wisdom and Knowledge Series'

 1.1 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #1. Hinduism, post #1: Autobiography of a Yogi

2.2 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #2. Buddhism, post #1: From the 'Dhammapada'

3.3 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #3. Taoism, post #1: The Wandering Taoist

4.2.1 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #4. Buddhism, post #2: my answer to a Yahoo! Answers question

5.4 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #5. Western knowledge and Science, post #1: 'The Happiness Advantage' by Shawn Achor

6.2.2 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #6. Buddhism, post #3: Accidents analyzed.

7.2.3 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #7. Buddhism, post #4: Three new teachers, and one new secular teacher I want to show gratitude.

8.2.4 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #8. Buddhism, post #5: Movies of a spiritual nature I wish to note.

9.4.1 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #9. Western knowledge and Science, post #2: Seamounts, and Mauna Kea is taller than Mount Everest.

10.2.5 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #10. Buddhism, post #6: The book 'Good Question, Good Answer' by Bhante Dhammika.

11.2.6 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #11. Buddhism, post #7: My argument in the past, for it being acceptable for me to play a certain military tank game, while professing I am a Buddhist.

12.2.7 Wisdom and Knowledge Series, post #12. Buddhism, post #8: Lower abdominal breathing, my Majjhima Nikaya 19 way, and How To Keep One’s Eyes In Healthy Condition.


Although the above 'Contents page of the Wisdom and Knowledge Series' is dated December 28, 2017, it is up to date in all the posts that comprise the 'Wisdom and Knowledge Series' up to the present (today is October 3, 2019).


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